About Us

The Dr.One concept is much larger than a single organization or a single individual. Many persons and organizations are involved and contribute to the success of Dr.One.

Primary Partners

Dr.One is developed by the social venture Drones for Development in partnership with IDI Snowmobile and the National Aerospace Laboratory of the Netherlands.
We work with a multidisciplinary team of highly motivated people, that come from various backgrounds. Health Care, Development, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Air Law are amongst the knowledge disciplines incorporated in the team.
The Dr.One project has the support of the United Nations Population Fund and the Ghana Health Service.

Additional Partners

The Dr.One Proof of Concept received the support of many organizations and individuals. Just to name a few:

Contact us

Dr.One is a programme of:
Drones for Development
The Netherlands

Tel +31 85 2735100
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The Dr.One Proof of Concept has been a joint project of the Ghana Health Services (GHS), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Netherlands Aerospace Center NLR and IDI Snowmobile B.V.
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